Dr Sead Spuzic, University of South Australia Alumnus

e-mail: sead.spuzic@gmail.com
phone: +61 40102 1336

My industrial experience encompasses design, management, and engineering, acquired across various regions in Europe and Australia.
Furthermore, I have held appointments at multiple universities spanning Australasia, Europe, and the Middle East,
where I taught a wide array of courses, including technology, science, and management.
This multidisciplinary background has deepened my passion for the disambiguation and integration of transdisciplinary knowledge.


University of South Australia Alumnus


Spuzic, S. (1985) Definition of Roll Pass Design. Celik, 21(114), 25–27.

Spuzic, S., Strafford, K. N., Subramanian, C., & Savage, G. (1994) Wear of hot rolling mill rolls: an overview. Wear, 176(2), 261–271.

Spuzic, S, Subramanian, C., & Strafford, K. N. (1995) The influence of stress state on the abrasive wear of steels. Materials Science Forum189, 429–434. Trans Tech Publications.

Spuzic, S., Zec, M., Abhary, K., Ghomashchi, R., & Reid, I. (1997) Fractional design of experiments applied to a wear simulation. Wear, 212(1), 131–139.

Spuzic S, I Reid I, M Zec M (1997) Some Aspects of Interfacial Motion Related to Forced Oscillations - acoustics.asn.au

Spuzic, S. Stevens C., O'Brien J. (2003) Some Aspects of Producing a Multimedia Publication 'Fundamentals of Manufacture'. Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Manufacturing Excellence 2003, ICME Melbourne, October 13-15, 2003.

Spuzic, S, & Nouwens, F. (2004) A contribution to defining the term ’definition’. Issues in Informing Science & Information Technology,  p. 1. https://doi.org/10.28945/2747

Spuzic, S, Abhary, K., Stevens, C., Fabris, N., Rice, J., & Nouwens, A. (2005) Contribution to cross-disciplinary lexicon. In Radcliffe, D. & Humphries, J., editors, 4th ASEE/AaeE Global Colloquium on Engineering Education, pages 1257–1266.Brisbane.

Spuzic, S., Abhary, K., Uzunovic, F. (2006) Contribution to knowledge management: Cross-disciplinary terminology. Proceedings: 5th Pan-European Conference on Planning for Minerals and Transport Infrastructure (PEMT '06).Sarajevo.

Spuzic, S, Izzo, A., & Abhary, K. (2006) A new method for roll pass design optimisation. Proceedings: 5th Pan-European Conference on Planning for Minerals and Transport Infrastructure. pp. 399-409, Sarajevo.

Djukic, D., & Spuzic, S. (2007) Statistical discriminator of surface defects on hot rolled steel. Image Vis. Comput, 158–163.

Spuzic, S., Xing, K., & Abhary, K. (2008) Some examples of ambiguities in cross-disciplinary terminology. International Journal of Technology, Knowledge and Society, 4(2), 19.

Abhary, Kazem, Adriansen, H.K., Begovac, F., Djukic, D., Qin, B., Spuzic, S., Xing, K. (2009) Some basic aspects of knowledge. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences,  1(1), 1753–1758.

Abhary, Kazem, Garner, K., Kovacic, Z., Spuzic, S., Uzunovic, F., & Xing, K. (2010) A knowledge based hybrid model for improving manufacturing system in rolling mills. Key Engineering Materials, 443, 3–8.

Huang, B., Xing, K., Spuzic, S., & Abhary, K. (2010) Development of parameterized roll pass design based on a hybrid model. 2010 International Conference on Mechanical and Electrical Technology, 91–93. IEEE.

Huang, B., Xing, K., Abhary, K., & Spuzic, S. (2011) Investigation of roll pass optimal design based on IGA. Advanced Materials Research, 211, 195–199.

Abhary, K., Djukic, D., Hsu, H. Y., Kovacic, Z., Mulcahy, D., Spuzic, S., & Uzunovic, F. (2011) Some aspects of knowledge engineering. Proceedings: 10th Anniversary International Conference on Accomplishments in Electrical and Mechanical Engineering and Information Technology, University of Banja Luka, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, 26th - 28th May 2011 DEMI2011. p. 893.

Adriansen, H. K., Abhary, K., Hsu, H.-Y., Kovacic, Z., Mulcahy, D., & Spuzic, S. (2012) A contribution to disambiguation of interdisciplinary knowledge. AAEE2012 Annual Conference of Australian Association for Engineering Education.Swinburne University of Technology.

Huang, B., Xing, K., Abhary, K., & Spuzic, S. (2012a) Development of energy-saving optimization for the oval-edging oval pass design using genetic algorithm. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 61, 423–429.

Huang, B., Xing, K., Abhary, K., & Spuzic, S. (2012b) Optimization of oval--round pass design using genetic algorithm. Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing, 28(4), 493–499.

Spuzic, S Abhary, K., Fraser, K., Mulcahy, D., Narayanan, R. (2013) Some aspects of disambiguation of multi-disciplinary knowledge. 24th Annual Conference of the Australasian Association for Engineering Education (AAEE2013) Gold Coast, Queensland 8-11 December 2013. Griffith University.

Narayanan, R., Spuzic, S., Pundoor, M., Bari, S., Xing, K., & Fielke, J. (2013a) Enhancing engineering qualities by adopting the total design approach in final year projects. 24th Annual Conference of the Australasian Association for Engineering Education (AAEE2013).Gold Coast, Queensland 8-11 December 2013. Griffith University.

Abhary, K., Spuzic, S., & Ghomashchi, R. (2013b) Some aspects of design optimisation in rolling technology. International Conference on Materials Innovation in Surface Engineering (MISE 2013).

Spuzic, S, & Abhary, K. (2014) A Contribution to Rolling Mill Technology - Roll Pass Design Strategy for Symmetrical Sections. Der Kalibreur, 75, 14–27.

Mulcahy, D., Pignata, S., Rajendhiran, N., Spuzic, S., Uzunovic, F., Narayanan, R., Fraser, K. (2014a) Some issues related to knowledge transfer in postgraduate research and education.Proceedings: !!th Biennial Quality in Postgraduate Research (QPR) Conference, ed. Picard M and McCulloch A, April 9-14, 2014, p. 190. Adelaide

Abhary, Kazem, Kovacic, Z., Lundberg, S.-E., Narayanan, R., & Spuzic, S. (2015). The application of a hybrid algorithm to roll pass design. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 79, 1063–1070.

Spuzic, S, Arachchige, D., Abhary, K., Kovacic, Z., & Narayanan, R. (2015a) A contribution to roll pass design optimisation in hot steel rolling technology. In 2nd International Conference on Rolling and Finishing Technology of Steel (RAFTS 2015).. Ranchi, India: R&D Centre for Iron and Steel, Steel Authority of India Ltd.

Spuzic, S., Narayanan, R., Abhary, K., Adriansen, H.K., Pignata, S., Uzunovic, F., & Guang, X. (2016) "The synergy of creativity and critical thinking in engineering design: The role of interdisciplinary augmentation and the fine arts." Technology in Society. 45: 1-7.

Spuzic, S, Narayanan, R., Alif, M. A., & Aishah, N. (2016a) Defining knowledge constituents and contents. International Journal of Quality Assurance in Engineering and Technology Education (IJQAETE), 5(1), 1–7.

Spuzic, S, Narayanan, R., Gudimetla, P., & Others. (2016b) Big Data Model--An Application to Design of Rolling Process. Conference: International Conference on Innovative Material Science and Technology (IMST2016) Shenzhen, China.

Spuzic, S. (2016c) Basic concepts in roll pass design. Калибровочное Бюро, (7), 5–6.

Spuzic, S. (2016d) How to reduce impact of industrial rolling on global resource consumption and climate change? Калибровочное Бюро, (8), 14–22.

Spuzic, S., Ghomashchi, R., & Others. (2016e). Some aspects of design rationalisation in rolling technology. Калибровочное Бюро, (7), 7–31.

Spuzic, S., Narayanan, R., Kovacic, Z., Hapu Arachchige, D., & Abhary, K. (2017) Roll pass design optimisation. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 91, 999–1005.

Spuzic, S. (2020) Translating Morphometric Information About the Rolling Passes Into a Structured Database. Калибровочное Бюро, (17), 5–12.

Spuzic, S. (2020a) Some aspects of knowledge. Carpe Diem.

Spuzic, S., & Kinzin. D. (2021) A Contribution to Digitizing the Deformation Zone of Complex Geometry. Калибровочное Бюро, (18), 5–14.

Spuzic, S. (2021) A Case of Application of Data Transforms. WSEAS Transactions on Computers, 20, 126–134.

Spuzic, S. (2021a) A Case of Digitizing the Deformation Zone in Universal Mill. Калибровочное Бюро, (19), 5–10.

Spuzic S. (2023) The 4th Birth. Amazon Kindle Edition.

Spuzic, S. (2023a) A Contribution to Disambiguation of Scientific Terms. Amazon Kindle Edition.

Spuzic, S. (2024) Towards Knowledge-Oriented Global Transdisciplinary English. SSRN.

Spuzic, S. (2024a)  Brief Encyclopedia of Homonyms and Synonyms. Amazon Kindle Edition.

Spuzic, S. (2024b) Some Thoughts About the Philosophy of Knowledge-Part 1. SSRN(b).

Spuzic, S. (2024c) Part 1&2: Some Thoughts About the Philosophy of Knowledge.SSRN(c).

Spuzic, S. (2024d) Enhancing Transdisciplinary Coherence Through Enriched English.SSRN(d).

Spuzic, S. (2024e) Nekoliko Filozofskih i Naučnih Osvrta.SSRN(e).

Spuzic, S. (2024f) Knowledge, Ethics, and Aesthetics. SSRN(f). http://dx.doi.org/10.13140/RG.2.2.28768.90880